Sitios de Buceo
Los Sitios de Buceo Más Impresionantes en Cozumel que No Querrás Perderte
Los sitios de buceo en Cozumel son, sin duda, algunos de los más deslumbrantes del mundo. Con paisajes marinos dramáticos, impresionantes túneles, exuberantes paredes, emocionantes corrientes y naufragios, los arrecifes de Cozumel forman parte del impresionante sistema de arrecifes mesoamericano. Los mejores sitios de buceo se encuentran en la parte suroeste de la isla, que es un área marina protegida. ¡No te los puedes perder!
Cozumel Palancar
Palancar offers one of Cozumel’s most stunning reefs and topography. Located on the Southwest side of Cozumel, it belongs to the Mesoamerican Great Barrier Reef, the second-largest in the world. It was introduced to the public by the famous Jacque Cousteau. Since 1996 it’s been a part of Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park (Marine Protected Area) to preserve the natural beauty of underwater paradise. Palancar stretches for miles following the contour of the island and splits into four different dive sites Gardens, Caves, Bricks and Horseshoe.
Depth: 8-25 m | Currents: Mild | Good for Beginners

Palancar Gardens
Depth: 12-30 m | Currents: Mild to Strong | Good for Experienced Divers

Whale View
Depth: 15-35 m | Currents: Mild | Great for Photographers